On Vern's recent visit to Switzerland we did a live Q&A, answering questions and exchanging ideas on a variety of topics including: measuring strength, building connections, enhancing training transfer, best practices for combining different training methods, rethinking overload, strength training for endurance athletes, and more.

For more information on this topic, read the complete show notes at: https://www.hmmrmedia.com/2022/11/gaincast-episode-256-live-qa/

Further reading

The following links were referenced in the podcast or provide some additional reading material on the topic:

The GAINcast is sponsored by GAIN. Prior GAIN attendees can renew their membership to get continued access to the GAIN library and this year's talks. If you haven't been to GAIN before, sign up for the GAIN Master Class series for access to 24 in-depth lectures on a variety of athletic development topics. We're also brought to you by HMMR Media. Join HMMR Media to get access to a vast library of online training resources, video, articles, podcasts, and more. We reference Swiss coach Jean-Pierre Egger several times in the questions. Check out our interview with him, and you can learn more about his methods here.