Becoming the best is about getting the most out of yourself as a coach and as a person. It's about learning. On this week's GAINcast we explore the nuances of learning and some overlooked methods to learn and improve.

For more information on this topic, read the complete show notes at:

The following links were referenced in the podcast or provide some additional reading material on the topic:

GAIN 2022 will take place from June 14 to 18 in Houston Texas. You can learn more about GAIN 2022 and send in your application on the GAIN website. The GAINcast is also sponsored by HMMR Media. Join HMMR Media to get access to a vast library of online training resources, video, articles, podcasts, and more. A HMMR membership is also included with GAIN 2022 registration. Learning was also the topic on GAINcast 116: Learning to learn and GAINcast 181: Reading, learning, and living. Vern has written about learning in a many articles as well, including My learning milestones and Learning – Continuous Personal & Professional Development.