Every few years the periodization debate heats up. Periodization is an essential component to success in any sport, but traditional approaches need to be adapted to keep up with modern science and the changing demands of  modern sport. On this episode of the GAINcast, we look at our own evolution when it comes to periodization, including both criticisms and solutions to the problem of planning.

For more information on this topic, read the complete show notes at: http://www.hmmrmedia.com/2020/09/gaincast-episode-198-perspectives-on-periodization/

The following links were referenced in the podcast or provide some additional reading material on the topic:

GAIN 2020 has shifted online, with a monthly interactive master class series. The September event takes place this week with James Marshall. The October event will continue on the same theme as this episode, including practical adaptation strategies to fill the gap where periodization falls short. Sign up now to subscribe to hear these events and others in the series. GAIN Alumni can also get access to all events by renewing their membership. The GAINcast is also sponsored by HMMR Media. Join HMMR Media to get access to a vast library of online training resources, video, articles, podcasts, and more. You can find a wealth of  periodization resources available for HMMR Media members. Some of the specific resources mentioned on this podcast: John Kiely's seminal article on periodization that kicked off the recent debates and Nick Bourne's dissertation. Past GAINcast episodes that discussed periodization: GAINcast 4 on periodization and planning, GAINcast 61 on the future of periodization with John Kiely, and GAINcast 67 on periodization trends with Dave Tenney.