You can't talk about talent identification without talent development. And you can't talk about technical development without physical development. Johnny Parkes is the senior manager of player ID and development at the US Tennis Association. In this role he's sought to apply his philosophy: coaches need to incorporate, not separate. Integrate ID and development, and integrate technical and physical training. He joins this week's GAINcast to discuss how one national organization is trying to reshape traditional development models and approach the local problem of player development. For more information on this topic, read the complete show notes at:

The following links were referenced in the podcast or provide some additional reading material on the topic:

The GAINcast is brought to you by GAIN and HMMR Media. Join HMMR Plus so that you get full access to our video, article, and podcast archive here on HMMR Media. Come join us at the GAIN Europe Deep Dive on January 10 and 11 in Devon, England. Find out more here. And save the date: GAIN 2020 will take place from June 16 to 20. You can find Parkes on Twitter (@JohnnyParkes1) and Instagram (@Johnny_parkes). He also co-hosts his own podcast with the USTA: Compete Like a Champion Podcast Parkes was also a panelist on our progressions roundtable hosted live at GAIN 2020 and replayed on GAINcast 163. A few resources referenced on this episode: an interview with his colleague Ed Ryan on GAINcast 141 and GAINcast 130 with Len Zaichkowsky and his book The Playmaker’s Advantage: How to Raise Your Mental Game to the Next Level

You can't talk about talent identification without talent development. And you can't talk about technical development without physical development. Johnny Parkes is the senior manager of player ID and development at the US Tennis Association. In this role he's sought to apply his philosophy: coaches need to incorporate, not separate. Integrate ID and development, and integrate technical and physical training. He joins this week's GAINcast to discuss how one national organization is trying to reshape traditional development models and approach the local problem of player development. For more information on this topic, read the complete show notes at:

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