Ever since athletes began strength training, coaches have been debating the role of strength in training. The questions come back over and over: What is strong? How much should we train strength? How strong do we need to be? On this week's episode of the GAINcast Vern takes a look at this topic and provides some guidelines coaches can use to implement a balanced approach to strength training in their plans. For more information about this topic, read the complete show notes at: http://www.hmmrmedia.com/2016/04/gaincast-episode-10-what-is-strong/

This episode if brought to you by GAIN (www.thegainnetwork.com) and HMMR Media (www.hmmrmedia.com). Listeners in Ireland might be interested in our upcoming seminar with John Kiely and Martin Bingisser in Limerick. More information is available at: http://www.hmmrmedia.com/limerick/