Gain Your Edge is a twice-monthly podcast on all things IT. On this week’s podcast, we’re sitting down with our favorite resident megabyte maverick for another installment of “Headlines with a Hacker.” We’re turning to Bill Gardner, computer expert and professor of digital forensics and information assurance at Marshall University, to chat about current tech issues making a splash in the media. Have a listen to prepare your business for the holiday season with emerging tech trends impacting e-commerce, mobile shopping, and online security.

As an author, professor and white-hat hacker, Bill uses his experience to pass on crucial IT security tips. Bill is always keeping an eye on tech headlines currently affecting the industry, and presents his valuable perspectives on the IT news of the day to give your business a competitive edge.


References and Resources

Snapchat Spectacles Review – The Verge

Mobile Shopping & Black Friday - TechCrunch

Securing the Internet of Broken Things - Techdirt

What We Know About Friday’s Cyber Attack That Broke the Internet – Inc.

San Francisco Transit Authority Hacked & Ransomed – The Guardian

Los Angeles Hospital Paid $17,000 in Bitcoin to Ransomware Hackers – The Guardian

Ransomware Victims Urged to Report Infections – FBI PSA


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Host Skip Lineberg

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