Steve Caplin waxes lyrical about the iPhone 15, with a camera he's dying to get his hands on and an EU-enforced change to the charging slot. There's also a new Apple Watch, while Polaroid have, despite the ageing technology, brought out a new camera. Duolingo are moving from language into music, students have created the fastest-accelerating EV and the Finns are experimenting with a digital passport scheme. An oscilloscope watch is shipping, a mere 10 years after it was launched, cyclists can get NASA-inspired punctureless tyres and there's a Chinese e-unicycle which can go off-road up 50-degree inclines. Steve warns of the dangers of Amazon selling AI-written books on mushroom foraging.
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Steve Caplin waxes lyrical about the iPhone 15, with a camera he's dying to get his hands on and an EU-enforced change to the charging slot. There's also a new Apple Watch, while Polaroid have, despite the ageing technology, brought out a new camera. Duolingo are moving from language into music, students have created the fastest-accelerating EV and the Finns are experimenting with a digital passport scheme. An oscilloscope watch is shipping, a mere 10 years after it was launched, cyclists can get NASA-inspired punctureless tyres and there's a Chinese e-unicycle which can go off-road up 50-degree inclines. Steve warns of the dangers of Amazon selling AI-written books on mushroom foraging.

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