A very sleepy Gabi tells about her 15 minute acting job playing with a dog that paid her for a full day of work.  We tried pickle corndogs at Downtown Disneyland, the "boat stuck" meme and Cinnamon Toast Crunch shrimp tail Twitter storm for our Current Events segment.  We also do a book review of Sam & Colby's "Paradise Island"

For our Games segment we did a mother/daughter "Never Have I Ever" and Diana challenged Gabi with a boomer version of "Guess the Celebrity".

For our Fortune Telling segment we tried loose tea leaves.  Gabi got a baby!  And Diana got a demon!  Really???!

It took several months to edit this podcast so we're thinking our "Current Events" section is going to be renamed "Time Capsule".  See you next time!

YouTube link:  https://youtu.be/c4Kb4A42Shg

#motherdaughter #teatime #acting #background #Tarot #tealeaves #boomer #zoomer #fun #relaxing #familytime #Disneyland #boatstuck #CinnamonToastCrunch #NeverHaveIEver #Celebrities #actingstories #stories #Sam&Colby #SamAndColby #SamGolbach #ColbyBrock #fortunetelling #ParadiseIsland #bookreview#picklecorndog #DowntownDisneyland #games #currentevents #timecapsule