Episode 23: GOALS Foundation has a project that we mentioned we were working on and now we are asking for our listeners to hear this incredible story. Find out a about Malo Gomez. The person, the young man, the kid who made a mistake, and the prosecutors rush to judgement. Before we write him off as a bad apple whose life should be tossed away like the garbage, listen to the story of injustice this beautiful human being has endured. His light still shines bright with optimism as he plans to make a difference for others to prevent them from going down the wrong path.

Our GOALS family can make a difference by taking action. >>Click Here<< to access info on the case and what you can do to help spread the info about Malo.

Sign the petition >>Here<<

GOALS Foundation and all those involved sincerely thank you for your support in this matter. Your 5 minutes could mean a lifetime for Malo Gomez.

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