Shadow of the Demon Lord is a game that I have been looking
forward to for many months. Robert Schwalb is a
talented designer like few others and anything that comes out of his inkwell is
worth paying good attention to.
This Kickstarter has funded has funded a game that is breaking
with a lot of the traditions of Role Playing Games and offers a new system, both
mechanically and in its ethos, to shake up the way we look at games and how they
are played.
Everything, from the setting to the character sheet, has been designed with
the aim of offering a very quick but intense gameplay that moves as fast as you
need to.
Of course, this was also the perfect excuse for me to have Robert in the
podcast – something I’ve been looking forward to for a long, long time – and ask
him a few questions about the game.
Believe me, you will be gutted if you miss this one!
Other material we discuss during the interview:
A Song of Ice and Fire
Death Mark: A Dark Sun Novel (Dark Sun, Abyssal Plague)