Paranoia stormed on the tables of gamers all over the world in the 80 and has
remained an iconic game that lots and lots of people were rather looking forward
to see rebooted.
Hence it’s no surprise that when it came out in Kickstarter just a few days
ago, it smashed its funding goal in less than a day and it’s still gathering a
lot of money. And rightly so!
The authors chosen to bring this new edition of the game to life have all a
tremendous record in game design and publishing, so that alone makes betting on
this game a very safe procedure. No doubt the combination of James Wallis, Paul
Dean and Grant Howitt should put anyone and everyone’s fears to rest.
In any event, and to make sure you have every single possible reason to back
this project, I got together with two of the traitors designers
to find out more about exiting new edition of the game.
Hope you enjoy the show!