Academy Games and its charismatic leader are well known for producing
historical games that are, as it happen, easy and fun to play without
compromising on historic accuracy.
In this case 1775 deals with the the start for the American Revolution after
Britain imposes unwelcome new taxes. Yeah… that was me being understating.
Anyway, there was a lot of fighting and a lot of people died and the French
were there and it got all messy and unpleasant.
So Academy Games made a game to teach us about the horrors of war and the
cost it carries. And yet they manage to do that in a way that doesn’t put you
off from it.
At least that’s been our experience with other of their games. We had to try
1775 and have a go to see how it plays for the first time. And now we’re telling
you all about it!
Hope you enjoy the show!