Another episode of awesomeness with our much esteemed Dr Mike Reddy.

I’m not sure I want to give away a lot about this show because it was quite improvised, but you will probably like it. I mean… I hope so.

However there are two things that I want to mention in the show notes because they matter.

Firstly Standard Action. This is a web series done with little money and a lot of love by an incredible bunch of talented people in Vancouver. Although our next episode will tell you a lot about the series and the originators – because we have an interview – I wanted to give a shout about them now because they have a Kickstarter going on and they could do with even more help. Please visit their project page and help if you can.

The second bit is even more important. Goblinaid was created by Fenris Games not too long ago to help Kev “Goblinmaster” Adams and it is the hell of a cause to get behind. Kev is one of the most influential miniatures sculptors in the UK and his work creating the look and feel of goblins for Citadel is still current.

Recently he was very badly assaulted in his home and was badly beaten and stabbed. Although he’s recovering and will be able to return to work, the return is not going to be without its difficulties and Goblinaid has been created to raise some funds and help however people can.

Please visit their website and help if you can. It’s truly appreciated. Thank you.