One more episode and getting closer to 100!

This episode brings you an interview with Tom Nelson, the Midwest Miniatures Guy.

But before I tell you about that, two announcements. One small, and one very big one.

The first one is to give a shout-out to Standard Action, probably one of the best web series out there. It’s really funny, well written and extremely well produced. They are currently running the Kickstarter campaign to fund the third season, which means you can already see what they can do and how, so you’ll get a good idea of what sort of quality you’ll help fund. You can watch the episodes so far here.

The second shout-out is for Goblinaid. This is the initiative that the guys from Fenris Games to help out Kev “The Goblinmaster” Adams. A few weeks ago three youths broke into Kev’s home, stabbed him and beat him up quite severely. Doctors have been able to save his eye and he will fully recover, but he’s in need of help to get back on his feet. Goblinaid is trying to do just that; get a bit of money to help Kev while he recovers. Please head to the Goblinaid page now and help however you can. Thank you.

And the interview with Tom will give you a good idea of what to look for in a painted mini, why would you want to pain them and also how to find Tom so he can paint the minis you don’t have time for. At $10 per hour, I can tell you that is a steal!

Hope you enjoy the show!