Once again, just to make sure you don’t forget about us, another episode of the podcast ready for your enjoyment.

Recently Kickstarter was discussed in the Boardgame Geek website. As most BGG discussion, it was heated and it was intense. This time some people were claiming that Kickstarter is ruining podcasts because we only talk Kickstarter things these days.

It transpires that some people don’t like Kickstarter, regardless of podcasts or no podcasts involved. And it seems that those people are placing some weight on us, the podcasters, because it seems that, by giving airtime to Kickstarter projects, we are helping bring on the demise of the board-games industry.

So Doctor Reddy, aka the brains of the podcast and I, aka the beauty of the podcast, decided to spend a few minutes discussing our approach and our perceptions of Kickstarter and the influence in the gaming world.

This episode’s interview is with David Brashaw, one of the members of Backspindle Games, creators and now also publishers of Guards! Guards! the Discworld based game where you have to join a guild and race around Ank Morpork to deliver spells to the Unseen University. Good luck with that!

But they also have released Codinca, an abstract game completely separate and very different from Guards! Guards!

In Codinca you have to align some symbols and work around the other player’s moves to finish your combination of symbols before anyone else to win the game. With a feel of ancient style of gaming, it does a really great job and is good fun!

And lastly, we discuss the importance of rule book design in games, and I think you’ll be surprised to hear what my beloved Doctor has to say!

Oh, and our plans for NaGaDeMon!