Episode 105 features Victoria Rosa & Kaynine Da G.A.W.D. This week I interviewed two of the artists from Truth Is The Label, about their new music and thoughts on a couple different topics. Follow Victoria Rosa @victoria_rosa_mega. Follow Kaynine Da G.A.W.D. @kayninedagawd. Also follow Truth Is The Lable @truthis_thelabel, all on Instagram.

Episode 105 features Victoria Rosa & Kaynine Da G.A.W.D. This week I interviewed two of the artists from Truth Is The Label, about their new music and thoughts on a couple different topics. Follow Victoria Rosa @victoria_rosa_mega. Follow Kaynine Da G.A.W.D. @kayninedagawd. Also follow Truth Is The Lable @truthis_thelabel, all on Instagram.

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