Episode 76 features Gerald and Walique. We go long this week!!! These two guys did a combined 30 years in jail and talk all about how there adjusting to being home. Follow Walique @bellbusdev616 on Instagram; and Gerald @gls_carpet_cleanings & @gee_tribe both on Instagram.

Episode 76 features Gerald and Walique. We go long this week!!! These two guys did a combined 30 years in jail and talk all about how there adjusting to being home. Follow Walique @bellbusdev616 on Instagram; and Gerald @gls_carpet_cleanings & @gee_tribe both on Instagram.

Get more How 2 Hustle Podcast wit Hympe on YouTube, on Twitter @iamhympe and on Instagram @iamhympe. #DisisHowUHustle #everythingisahustle #InternationalHympe #hitdabutton #ThePodcastDriveThru

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