Can technology save our outdated education system?

Can we pull ourselves out of the industrial era, cookie-cutter approach to education that inspired the Pink Floyd’s classic ‘Another brick in the wall”

While considering the future of his own children’s education, Mike was very keen to sit down with Jack Delosa, the wildly successful entrepreneur, best selling author, and prolific thought-leader to find out what sort of education his children should be hoping for.

As Jack is also the founder of The Entourage, Australia’s largest education hub for entrepreneurs, he is very tuned into the future of education.

“Human beings love learning. We love it, we’re so naturally curious.” Jack Delosa

Education has got to be on the minds of many parents after the recent experience a lot of us have had with remote learning due to the pandemic lockdowns. 

The forced closure of schools has had a real impact on the use of technology for education at every level.  We’re now seeing many of the world’s leading Universities rushing to embrace online courses and changing and updating the ways they deliver the courses in order to keep their organisations viable.

So, what could the future of education look like?

In this interview, Jack Delosa reveals why the education system is failing our students, and how adaptive learning and AI has the power to disrupt this space and elevate human potential.

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