Do you ever wonder about your own mortality? Or maybe you give great thought to your own death. Is dying ‘well’ something that ever crosses your mind?

If you’re nodding along to these questions, this episode is for you.

But we live in a death defying society, so perhaps you don’t contemplate death at all.  Maybe you’re wondering if death will continue to be inevitable in the future….

To unravel The Future of Dying, host Mike Hill spoke with Dr Mark Boughey, the Director of Palliative Medicine at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.

Mark is an active participant in the worldwide movement to advance palliative care and implement new end-of-life pathways.

‘If you want to feel valued and understood at the end of your life, you need to feel safe’

Dr Mark Boughey

While Mark deals in death every day, he is anything but morose and miserable. In fact, living in the shadow of mortality has actually enhanced his lived experiences, which is something Mike has become intrigued by since first meeting Mark almost 10 years ago.

We think this episode on The Future of Dying brings a new and assuring angle to a usually dark topic.

So, get ready to throw of your shackles – it’s time to ponder the big questions with Dr Mark Boughey.

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