Guest: Jim Dalton Author of Markets in Profile & Mind Over Markets – General Partner at Jim Dalton Trading Record Date:  8/27/18 httpss:// Listen on —> iTunes Listen on —> SoundCloud Topics: How Jim got started in Futures Industry over 40 yrs ago Why Market Profile is his favorite tool How Market Profile gives Jim an edge […]


Jim Dalton

Author of Markets in Profile & Mind Over Markets – General Partner at Jim Dalton Trading

Record Date:  8/27/18


Listen on —> iTunes

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How Jim got started in Futures Industry over 40 yrs ago
Why Market Profile is his favorite tool
How Market Profile gives Jim an edge in his trading
Morning & Evening Preparation 
Process for Entering & Exiting Trades
Trading Diary & Trading Psychology
Self-Understanding vs Market Understanding
Immersion Training

Rapid Fire:

Q. What Trader has influenced your life the most and why?

A.  Learned more from the mistakes he’s made more than he’s learned from anybody else

Q. What was one of the hardest things you’ve had to overcome in trading?

A.  Myself

Q. How has your trading process evolved over the years?

A. From trading on the floor, to technical analysis, and now backing away from technical analysis and relying a 100% on himself

Q. What is one attribute that you believe every trader must have?

A. Mental Flexibility

Q. Favorite Book About Trading?

A. Dr. Steenbarger’s books

Q. If you can give a piece of advice to the younger you what would it be?

A. Keep your mind open

Q. What’s the best advice you’ve received about Trading?

A. Importance of being intellectually independent

Q. What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not trading?

A. Fishing

Guest Resources:  


Futures Radio is a weekly talk show hosted by 18-year futures veteran and CME member Anthony Crudele, an ex-pit trader and one of the first to trade the E-Mini S&P. Each week Anthony talks with traders, CEOs, and other proven market participants about relevant trading and investing information.

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