COVID-19 has forced us all to re-evaluate how we work and live, at least for the time being, and here at Collective Campus we've also had to adapt. I hope you don't mind this rare promotional email but this is too good not to share.

Over the past week, we've gone from idea to launch on the Future Squared OnCon, a two-day online conference featuring talks, fireside chats, AMAs and virtual networking rooms that I'm excited to be sharing with you today.

While we're all navigating unchartered waters together, we've brought together some of the world's brightest minds in their fields to help us better navigate the uncertainty and volatility that COVID-19 has brought into our lives.

We'll be unpacking themes related to business strategy, marketing, mindset, mental health and resilience, wellness, remote work and more.

So who's going to be there?

While we're still recruiting new speakers and participants, I'm delighted to confirm the following:

- Alex Osterwalder: Best-selling author of numerous innovation books, as well as the 'Business Model Canvas

- Scott Anthony: Senior partner at Innosight, and author of numerous bestsellers

- Nir Eyal: WSJ bestselling author of Hooked and Indistractable

- Rand Fishkin: Co-founder of Moz and SparkToro, and author of Lost & Founder

- Brad Stulberg: Author of Peak Performance and the Passion Paradox

- Lydia Denworth: Science journalist and author of Friendship

- Andy Molinsky: Author of Reach, and Global Dexterity

- Dan Toma: Author of The Corporate Startup

- Michael Fox: Former founder of Shoes of Prey

- Andrew Tarvin: Award-winning speaker and author of Humor That Works

- more to be announced real soon!

This is a line-up you'd have to pay several hundreds for in a physical setting, if not more, but in the spirit of the times, we can bring to you for just US$50 - and less if you buy in a group!

Not only that, but we'll be donating 25% of proceeds to fight COVID19 relief efforts.

Can't make the date? No sweat - replays will be available to all ticket-holders afterwards.


Promo Code: ONCON30


Listen to Future Squared on Apple Podcasts

Also available on: Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher and Soundcloud



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