Finding your niche is about more than just following your passion. While following your passion is all the rage, the truth is, if your passion doesn’t intersect with a viable need people are willing to part with their money for, your passion is going to bankrupt you.
For better results, identify an existing problem in the market that pertains to your passion and then solve it. That’s how you can follow your passion to immeasurable wealth – or at least a successful business that gives you freedom and flexibility. 
But as anyone who’s ever tried to follow their passion into the marketplace can tell you, it isn’t easy. That’s why I’m going to continue to bring you guests that have turned that dream into a reality. The sooner your passion and your purpose intersect with a revenue stream the happier and more fulfilling your life is going to be. 
In this episode, we explore how Attorney Harrison Lord did just that. Harrison is the founder of  [ask LEGAL], a unique legal services boutique that emphasizes value over time. If you’ve ever asked a lawyer what something costs and received something short of a straight answer, you’ll appreciate Harrison’s novel and transparent approach to legal fees. 
Please (drop me a line) and let me know how you liked it.
A few of my favorite moments: On his unique approach to billing:
I’m a big believer in doing things the way that I would want them done.
When you shift how your charge, and you shift things to look at it from the client perspective, I think you have a very different analysis that you go through.
On his entrepreneurial path:
It’s not so much that I had this itch I needed to scratch…as that I was sort of wandering blindly through life and found a thing that looked interesting and poked at it until it either turns out pretty good or gives me hives.
On the benefits of maintaining a friendly relationship with opposing attorneys:
If I’m an idiot I’d much rather find that out on the phone. If they have good stuff, I’d much rather know that up front than in court later.
His desperate attempts to save Blockbuster Video by writing off late fees:
These are people that have the disposable income to come into a Blockbuster on a Friday night, there’s no reason they should be angry why they’re here.
The best advice his dad ever gave him:
Show up early, stay late, work harder than everybody else there
If you enjoyed this episode please take a moment and give us a 5-Star rating on the iTunes Store. You can then bask in all that fuzzy warmth knowing that I’m going to see your review and it’s going to bring a smile to my face. See you back here next week!
You can get in touch with Harrison on Twitter @hlord & @AskLEGALNC, Facebook, LinkedIn, and
As always, you can find me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, & LinkedIn. 
The podcast is available for download from the iTunes Store, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, and TuneIn. You can also download this episode from the player at the top. And, please, if you enjoy the show please hit that subscribe button andgive us a 5-star rating in the iTunes store.
A portion of any purchase made through our affiliate links kicks back to the show to help us keep the lights on and bring you more fresh killer content. 

Finding your niche is about more than just following your passion. While following your passion is all the rage, the truth is, if your passion doesn’t intersect with a viable need people are willing to part with their money for, your passion is going to bankrupt you.

For better results, identify an existing problem in the market that pertains to your passion and then solve it. That’s how you can follow your passion to immeasurable wealth – or at least a successful business that gives you freedom and flexibility. 

But as anyone who’s ever tried to follow their passion into the marketplace can tell you, it isn’t easy. That’s why I’m going to continue to bring you guests that have turned that dream into a reality. The sooner your passion and your purpose intersect with a revenue stream the happier and more fulfilling your life is going to be. 

In this episode, we explore how Attorney Harrison Lord did just that. Harrison is the founder of  [ask LEGAL], a unique legal services boutique that emphasizes value over time. If you’ve ever asked a lawyer what something costs and received something short of a straight answer, you’ll appreciate Harrison’s novel and transparent approach to legal fees. 

Please drop me a line and let me know how you liked it.

A few of my favorite moments:

On his unique approach to billing:

I’m a big believer in doing things the way that I would want them done.

When you shift how your charge, and you shift things to look at it from the client perspective, I think you have a very different analysis that you go through.

On his entrepreneurial path:

It’s not so much that I had this itch I needed to scratch…as that I was sort of wandering blindly through life and found a thing that looked interesting and poked at it until it either turns out pretty good or gives me hives.

On the benefits of maintaining a friendly relationship with opposing attorneys:

If I’m an idiot I’d much rather find that out on the phone. If they have good stuff, I’d much rather know that up front than in court later.

His desperate attempts to save Blockbuster Video by writing off late fees:

These are people that have the disposable income to come into a Blockbuster on a Friday night, there’s no reason they should be angry why they’re here.

The best advice his dad ever gave him:

Show up early, stay late, work harder than everybody else there

If you enjoyed this episode please take a moment and give us a 5-Star rating on the iTunes Store. You can then bask in all that fuzzy warmth knowing that I’m going to see your review and it’s going to bring a smile to my face. See you back here next week!

You can get in touch with Harrison on Twitter @hlord & @AskLEGALNCFacebookLinkedIn, and

As always, you can find me on TwitterInstagramFacebook, & LinkedIn

The podcast is available for download from the iTunes StoreGoogle PlayStitcher Radio, and TuneIn. You can also download this episode from the player at the top. And, please, if you enjoy the show please hit that subscribe button andgive us a 5-star rating in the iTunes store.

A portion of any purchase made through our affiliate links kicks back to the show to help us keep the lights on and bring you more fresh killer content. 


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