Roxana Bekemohammadi is Founder and Executive Director of United States Hydrogen Alliance. She joins to discuss the importance of advocating for hydrogen technology and the need for diversity in the pursuit of sustainable transportation.


Introduction and Background
Advocating for Hydrogen Technology
The Importance of Technology Diversity
The Need for Redundancy in Energy Systems
The Role of Hydrogen in Various Sectors
Balancing Business and Sustainability
Considering Public Perception
The Role of the US Hydrogen Alliance
Conclusion and Call to Action


Show notes:


Roxana Bekemohammadi is a distinguished leader in the hydrogen and fuel cell industry, known for her unique experience in policy advocacy, public service, and technology commercialization. She is regularly called upon to present on the current and future status of the U.S. hydrogen economy at conferences, legislatures, and in other political arenas. In 2020, she founded the Western States Hydrogen Alliance, championing hydrogen policies in the Western States. With the passing of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act in 2021, the organization expanded to all 50 states, and is now known as the United States Hydrogen Alliance (USHA). The organization has blazed a pathway for the U.S. hydrogen economy by successfully passing seventeen hydrogen state bills across the United States since USHA’s inception in 2020.

Roxana led a lobbying firm focused on hydrogen policy in California prior to USHA. She also served as an advocate and technical expert in previous roles across multiple sectors including energy, zero emission vehicles, workforce development, technical education. Lastly, Roxana served as a public servant at the California Air Resources Board, an air quality regulatory state agency.

Academically, Roxana holds a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of California, Irvine and served as a student researcher at the National Fuel Cell Research Center. She also holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her education combined with a diverse professional background further positions her as a leading voice in the clean energy industry.

Future of Mobility:

The Future of Mobility podcast is focused on the development and implementation of safe, sustainable, effective, and accessible mobility solutions, with a spotlight on the people and technology advancing these fields.

Edison Manufacturing and Engineering:

Edison is your low volume contract manufacturing partner, focused on assembly of complex mobility and energy products that don’t neatly fit within traditional high-volume production methods.