In this episode Dan and Michael go on location to the sudio of guitarist Kyle Sipress. Kyle plays guitar for the melodic hardcore band The Devil Wears Prada and is also guitarist and songwriter for a new band called God Alone. We talk about what it takes for a band to survive in the modern music economy, reveal Kyle's burried indie pop past, and Kyle introduces us to the band Cloakroom.

And, a first for the podcast, Kyle plugged in, shredded some riffs, and performed a live-loop rendition of God Alone's Firehouse. Super cool.

Purchase or stream the new God Alone record here: God Alone: Bent Shoulders

Purchase or stream the album Time Well by Cloakroom.

Catch Kyle on tour with The Devil Wears Prada this fall.

Songs in this episode:

Daughter - The Devil Wears Prada

Milk Drinkers - God Alone

Heavy Metal - God Alone

Heart Meets Mind - The Useful Sound

Concrete Gallery - Cloakroom

Dreadnaught - God Alone

Our intro music is by Daniel Deitrich

Most of the music featured on our show is on our Spotify playlist.

We don't make any money from this podcast, but it does cost money to produce. We're funded by Daniel Deitrich's Patreon community. You can check out the perks of becoming a Patron here.

Follow us on social media: @FutureObsession @DanielDeitrich @MichaelYoder81   //   // (Michael's website)


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