GreenCape's Alternative Service Delivery Unit (ASDU) is working with different informal settlements to improve their access to basic services. This episode explores the ASDU, principles of co-design in asset based community development, and the impact of this and other ASDU project partnerships.

This episode is presented in partnership with GreenCape in collaboration with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom

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Guests in this conversation: Reshmi Wolvers, ASDU Project Manager at GreenCape and Jack Radmore , Energy Programme Manager and Climate Finance Lead at GreenCape. Background to the ASDU.  How the ASDU at GreenCape came about. The impact of the work to date. The research process to better understand the different and most pressing needs of communities. Principles of co-design in asset based community development. How to support improved access to basic services in informal settlements. Lessons learned from implementing projects in Freedom Farm and Malawi Camp The focus of the work that the ASDU is doing with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. What the ASDU hopes to achieve over the next few years. The importance of effective stakeholder collaboration when it comes to alternative service delivery and what more can be done to improve this collaboration. The role of local government in providing alternative service delivery.

All episodes here: