We have some exciting announcements for episode #064 of Horizons...

We have some exciting announcements for episode #064 of Horizons: Firstly, Vessels VIII, our annual charity album benefitting mental health awareness is now available for preorder over on our bandcamp page! This is the fourth year in a row we’ve been able to pull together some amazing artists to raise donations to be split between the Mental Health Foundation [UK], and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention [US]. The entire project will be available on all online stores and streaming platforms on May 21st.

Onto other news, starting next episode of Horizons, our dear friend Solace will take over hosting the biweekly mix. We’ve featured his music in both podcasts more times than we count, he’s contributed track suggestions for Horizons mixes in the past, and I’m certain he will be a great fit for pushing both Horizons and Future Astronauts as a whole, forward. Like Jon from the main podcast, I will continue be involved with FA, most notably with the Vessels series, but will br moving to help take on some responsibilities for City By Night Records.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to share my Saturday morning divings into the aether of Bandcamp and Soundcloud with all of you, and for all of the artists and music we discovered together.

– Justin / 100 Day Delay

If you’re interested in getting access to our new monthly show Transmissions, you can subscribe via Mixcloud Select, or become a Patron.

Hope you all enjoy this week’s show! If you did, please consider rating us over on iTunes, or wherever you found us. You can get in touch with us over on Discord, Twitter, or right here on the website. If you’d like to support us in another way, you can support us on Patreon, Mixcloud Select, or buy purchasing merch from our store.

Thanks for listening!


0:00 Intro

1:42 Virtual Miracle – Gracious

6:25 Waller – Capitalism Is The End Of The World

11:08 When In Silence – Escape From The Numbness

16:00 Defend The Rhino – Sporadic

21:25 Amulets – The Lowest Tide

24:25 Chris Child & Micah Frank – Static Wheels

34:00 This Will Destroy You – United Field

38:00 heðer – hávaði

38:49 Geotic – Breathtaker

Artist Links:

Virtual Miracle – virtualmiraclemusic.bandcamp.com/album/moving-forward

Waller – edwaller.bandcamp.com/album/unacknowledged-echoes

When In Silence – wheninsilence.bandcamp.com/album/cstetm-ep

Defend The Rhino – defendtherhino.bandcamp.com/album/wing-it

Amulets – pitp.bandcamp.com/album/streaking-light-the-lowest-tide

Chris Child & Micah Frank – micahfrank.bandcamp.com/album/tape-pieces-vol-2

This Will Destroy You – thiswilldestroyyou.bandcamp.com/album/variations-rarities-2004-2019-vol-i

heðer – hedersmusic.bandcamp.com/album/h-va-i

Geotic – geotic.bandcamp.com/album/breathtaker

Download this podcast:http://media.blubrry.com/future_astronauts/podcasts.futureastronauts.net/downloads/horizons/Future%20Astronauts%20Horizons%20-%20%23064%20%5b17.05.20%5d.mp3

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