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A quick bit of news before the weekend of Virtual Anthrocon & The Fandom film release.

A quick bit of news before the weekend of Virtual Anthrocon & The Fandom film release.

FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save 15% on silicone products during checkout. Free FurCast Themed Colorations are also available which can be applied as a color choice to your toy purchase.

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Link Roundup:

Virtual Anthrocon is next week!
Reminder that Ash & Ash’s “The Fandom” comes out July 3rd

Flayrah Article
YouTube Premiere Link
Etsy Blu-Ray Purchase Link

Furry porn shown on John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight Copy Of The Tweet
Owner’s Writeup on Reddit

Furry Migration rescheduled
Telegram Video Calls in beta
Neat Ampwave species
Furvana 2020 Canceled
Virtual Minecraft Furry Con
LondonFurs get promoted for pride on a large display


Capital management problems cause closure of Capital City Fur Con
Skin Hunger (New Term)

Article 1
Article 2
Cuddlist Website

Twitter Mentions