Funny_Looking_Podcast_24_point_five_Nov_2015 Ahead of Top Joe’s second Regular Gig we present Top Joe, Gav and Sheffield sensation – Sean Morley. Sean was a semi finalist in the BBC Radio New Comedy Awards 2015 and crown prince of the alternative Sheffield scene. Top Joe is.Top Joe. It’s a fabulous gig and worth your time and effort. Find …


Ahead of Top Joe’s second Regular Gig we present Top Joe, Gav and Sheffield sensation – Sean Morley.

Sean was a semi finalist in the BBC Radio New Comedy Awards 2015 and crown prince of the alternative Sheffield scene.

Top Joe is.Top Joe.

It’s a fabulous gig and worth your time and effort. Find Top Joe on Facebook or:

Sean Morley:

Have a look at the Funny Looking Presents… Gigs here:

Thurs Dec 3rd – Beth Vyse: As Funny As Cancer

Thurs Jan 7th – Arthur Smith: Mindlessness – A Beginners Guide

Thurs Feb 4th – Holly Burn:

Thurs March 3rd – Chris Coltrane: An Hour Of Tory-Smashing Comedy

Thurs April 7th – Michael J Dolan: The Most Villainous Michael J Dolan

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