As cliche as it sounds, Content is king. Digital marketing demands that we write, record, edit, and layout content. This precious material is used in prospect research or in client interactions, and it's up to us to anticipate their every content need. We rack our brains to imagine what questions they might have, and most of us have done everything we can think of to make the answers available. But there's one thing most marketers haven't done - that is structuring their site's content using Schemas. 

These pieces of code matter enough to marketers that, even if we're not too technical, we should understand the basics of what they do. So I've brought someone who's so confident in the positive ROI schemas can bring companies, she and her cofounder built a business around it.  

Martha van Berkel is the CoFounder and CEO of Schema App, an application that looks at your site and helps tag your content so search engine bots can crawl and read it

Before starting this company, she earned a degree in Applied Math and Engineering, a certificate for Innovation and Strategy at MIT and managed technical services on a global scale at Cisco Systems. Whenever she gets the chance to speak or write, Martha takes the chance to encourage site owners to use proper, connected schema markup. Martha does all this, plus being a Mom and a rower, from her home in Guelph Ontario. 

Get ready for an interview that will energize you to markup your site's content in order to stand out in search

People/Products/Concepts Mentioned in Show

Fantastic video on how the properties of content can be separated from the content itself using markup: Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us Google Search Console Using Structured Data in Paid Search through Google Ad Extensions, Google Ad customizers Google's Guide on How Structured Data Works Industry-standard dictionary at  Google's guide on how to Add structured data to your web pages Websites with tutorials on JSON-LD and XML Google's Search Gallery and Rich Results Martha van Berkelon LinkedIn SEO Yoast plugin for WordPress

Episode Reboot. Check out the resources Martha's company provides on using and getting ROI out of this:

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