If you go to Wikipedia and type Zero-sum game, it’ll describe it as “a situation that involves two sides, where the result is an advantage for one side and an equivalent loss for the other. In other words, player one's gain is equivalent to player two's loss, with the result that the net improvement in benefit of the game is zero”

Many think that’s how privacy regulations are affecting marketing. Anytime client privacy is upheld it’s at our expense. We’re losing; they’re winning. Zero-sum game.

Siobhan Solberg disagrees.  She says you can effectively market to your client in a way that does right by them and is privacy-compliant. 

She calls herself a protector of privacy, while also being a marketing consultant, the founder of a marketing agency. She has over a decade in the measurement space, having created CXL’s course on personalization. She’s also been a speaker at conferences like Superweek and The Copywriter Club. She also writes on privacy and marketing on her blog and is host of a podcast whose name is spelled out in the shownotes but which I’ll call Marketing Unf*d.

She is currently enrolled in the Master of Laws program for Privacy, Cybersecurity, and Data Management at Maastricht University. 

When she’s not not pushing these boundaries, Siobhan loves to get outside and test her physical limits. 

Chapters Timestamps

0:00 – Intro

0:46 – About Siobhan 

2:11 – What marketers should know about Privacy

20:56 – PSA

21:53 – Privacy across the organization

39:59 – Siobhan’s contact details

For links to everything mentiones, visit the shownotes on the FunnelReboot site.