Today I want to talk a bit about the importance of building your own platform online, and a method I used to kill the procrastination that many people suffer from. 


When Jerry Seinfeld was an up-and-coming comedian, he made a commitment to write one joke a day. Just one funny line, nothing huge. 


He had a big calendar of the whole year on a wall in his apartment. Every time he wrote a joke, he put a red X on that date.


Before long he had a growing chain of red X’s on the calendar — a visual reminder of the consistent work he put in.


What kept him motivated each day was the fear of breaking the chain. DON’T BREAK THE CHAIN. 


I had a new year's resolution of creating 2 podcasts a week for the whole year in 2020, and we are nearly half way through the year and I’m up to Episode 47 now. 


What inspired me was when I heard Steven Larsen saying he hated the idea of publishing initially, but once he finally committed to it it changed his life. 


It might sound old school but the key to finally making it happen was creating a SMART goal.


S = Specific


M = Measurable


A = Achievable


R = Relevant


T = Time-based