If you want to build a long-lasting business you can’t under-estimate how important it is to get a clear understanding of exactly how your target audience and existing customers think. 


From experience, when I ask a business if they’ve done any customer research many often say they already know the pain points and what they like and don’t like. 


In some cases they might be right with their assumptions... but even if they are... you can never do too much customer research... as the more insights you can discover the better. 


And by not being lazy and making the effort to find out what your customers are thinking, and how they interact with your pages... you’ll be able to create a business that customers will keep coming back... and refer new customers to you. 


Here’s a case study that provides an excellent example of what I’m talking about... https://www.hotjar.com/customers/marlin/


So as you can see... if you’re using these sorts of tools it will enable you to discover lots of things that you’d never even be aware of without them. 


This is exactly how you keep optimizing and improving the experience for your customers, based on their feedback and behaviour... instead of just assuming you already know everything about your customers.