What information does LIGHT bring to your child? Can artificial sources of light actually lower attention and cause dysregulation? Can you hear a light? 

Roudy Nassif, founder of VivaRays, and all-round light wiz leaves us with a lot of really new information about how light influences every body system we have and leaves us with 3 tips to use light to our benefit (and our kids’ benefit)

Go outside and witness the sunrise for at least 15 mins. 

I just started doing this, and I can attest that I feel a lot more energetic in the mornings.

Listen on for more of Roudy’s insights on attention, light, sensory overwhelm and regulation!

You can find more information at http://www.vivarays.com/

Disclaimer: The information in this Podcast is for educational purposes only. Vaishnavi Sarathy, Ph.D. is an educator, not a doctor, specifically not your child’s doctor. Please consult your physician before implementing any supplement or diet recommendations.