I don't know about you, but when I was diagnosed with MS my medical care team couldn't answer all of my questions. Although, to be honest, the stress and cog fog meant that I forgot most of the questions I wanted to ask anyway. And the pamphlets that were forced on me just didn't cut it. 

What I really needed was an operator's manual. But that doesn't exist, right?


Over the past four decades, Debbie Petrina has lived with MS and spoken to thousands of people in the MS community - via social media, as a trained peer counselor, and as a participant in numerous MS-related events.

She is the author of "Managing MS: A Roadmap to Navigate MS", a practical, easy-to-read handbook about understanding and managing MS. Informative and inspiring, it offers guidance and tips on a wide array of topics, including symptoms, people management, and long-term disability. The book is written for anyone who is interested in learning about MS and managing it effectively.

With a newly-edited and expanded second edition, Debbie is here to talk about her MS journey, her long history of advocacy, and what is inside this amazing resource! 

Topics covered in this episode include:

Debbie's experience of being diagnosed with MS in the "Dark Ages" of the 1980sHow peer counseling became Debbie's support network AND her jobWhy Debbie concentrates on lifestyle and wellness to manage her MSThe reasons why Debbie decided to write her book, "Managing MS: A Roadmap to Navigate Multiple Sclerosis"

Full show notes and resources at https://fumsnow.com/fums111/