"Grace" is a novel about a young woman navigating married life, sex, parenting, and friendship. Plus, the lead character is doing all this while dealing with an MS diagnosis. 

It was written by Delaney Parker, an author who lives in upstate New York with her family. She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in October of 2008, and it was her diagnosis that inspired Delaney to write "Grace."

As Delaney says in this interview, the character's diagnosis is just a part of who she is, and the novel is not centered around MS. I loved this book's depiction of a young woman who just happens to have MS, and I can't wait for the sequel!

Topics covered in this episode include:

Delaney's diagnosis with MS while being a young motherHow her urge to be a writer grew out of a voracious reading habitWhy an MS diagnosis is not the main driver of the plot of "Grace"How sharing this story was helpful to Delaney in her own MS journeyWhere to buy your copy of "Grace" 

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