If you’ve been following us for any amount of time, you’ll know that we always give a big FU to MS (the clue’s in the name!) And even though we’ll have our ups and downs, we try to inject a little humor along the way.

Now, we know that MS is NO JOKE. But if you allow yourself to see the funny side of it occasionally, it can help with getting through the day-to-day.

My guest this week is Shari Short, a comedian, writer and, naturally, a developmental psychologist working in healthcare communications. Since her MS diagnosis in 2008, Shari has used humor to deal with MS, communicate about MS and cope with MS - and she thinks that you might benefit from doing the same. 

Topics covered in this episode include:

The story of Shari’s MS diagnosis and and her experiences of injecting her first MS DMTHow she got into comedy and where it fits into her lifeWhy Shari thinks that humor was helpful in her diagnosis and continues to be in her life with MSHer first experiences doing standup and how she manages her symptoms when performingThe “Crazy Cane Lady Letter Series” and other satirical writingShari’s opinions about how MS is portrayed in the media

Full show notes and resources at fumsnow.com/fums086.