In my life, I spend a lot of time in various MS-related spaces. Having a community that understands what I’m going through, and where I can offer support, is one of the blessings in my life.

But even with all of that, there are still things about these spaces which concern me. So in this solo episode, I’m getting a few things off my chest! 

And in all of this, I’m not trying to cause offense. I’m just saying that you should value your own health, so be careful where you get your medical advice! As always, I’d love to know your thoughts on this subject.

Topics covered in this episode include:

My MS bona-fides! AKA I know what I’m talking aboutThe problem I have with how some people are using online MS-related groups The real value of these groups, what they’re good for… and what they’re NOTMy current issues with the US healthcare systemDon’t be intimidated by your medical team - hold their feet to the fire! 

Resources for this episode (clickable links):

Visit Healthline’s Living with MS Facebook pageGet Healthline’s free MS Buddy app for iOS and AndroidHelp keep FUMS alive at the FUMS Podcast Patreon page Sign up for the Patients Getting Paid course email waiting list

** Sign up for The FUMS 6-Pack here: The FUMS 6-Pack.

~ Special thanks to my podcast editor Steve Woodward. Do you have a podcast or are you interested in starting a pod? **GREAT way for a Patient to get PAID!! I HIGHLY recommend adding Steve to your team. Find him at PodcastingEdit