Humble, kind, unassuming – those are just a few words I’d use to describe my guest today, country music singer Julie Roberts. I’d also say talented, brave, loving, strong and selfless.  Hers is an amazing story – from a small town in South Carolina where she, her sisters and her mother were victims of domestic abuse, to Nashville, Tennessee making gold records, to a stage in Asheville, North Carolina where she lost the feeling in her hands and her sight went blurry while on stage one evening! That led to her diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.

That’s certainly not the end of this story:  a Lifetime movie about her life – oh wait, that was put on hold; recording with Waylon Jenning’s son Shooter Jennings; starting her own record label (Ain’t Scared Records) with the insurance money from the flood – provided by State Farm Insurance; surviving a monumental (thousand year) flood and losing EVERYTHING (material); FINALLY (after 5 years) accepting her diagnosis and starting treatment; to recording a new album (“I Think You Know”) and writing a new book due out in September (“Beauty In The Breakdown: Choosing to Overcome“). Whew! This lady is busy. And an inspiration.

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