Healthy competition in business can be a great PUSH that owners need to STRIVE for excellence and look to for industry standards and best practice.

BUT what happens TOO often is that COMPETITION turns into PARANOIA and all of a sudden, there are DOZENS of businesses operating on their own islands out of FEAR that their knowledge could be used AGAINST them by their fellow practitioners.

Tamara Shaw saw the NEED for a central support hub for professionals in the beauty industry to BREAK DOWN those barriers in order to SUPPORT each other, get ADVICE from people living the SAME daily reality, and compare notes in order to BETTER their own businesses and standards.

It was at THAT MOMENT Beaute Industrie was born.

Listen to how Tamara has brought hundreds of business owners TOGETHER to COLLABORATE ideas, SHARE experiences, and act as a beauty industry SOUNDBOARD for practitioners, and the CHALLENGES that come along with facilitating an ENTIRE online community!