There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to starting your own massage therapy business. In the beginning, things can be a WONDERFUL mix of chaos, excitement, fear and the unknown.

But one thing we ALL have in common is our desire to HELP people!

That’s what drew Tanya Brabin from being a personal trainer to now managing a VERY successful sports massage therapy business, Fitlife Sports Massage, across two clinics in Western Australia.

Starting out, Tanya did what MOST of us did and went to EVERY event, offered EVERY service, and cast as WIDE a net as possible to establish herself and her business. Over time, she grew to realise that the more NICHE she made her services, the more her target clients started appearing!

Tanya takes us on her very personal journey of achieving success and talks about the challenges that come with growth, needing the RIGHT mindset, and balancing her roles as a businesswoman, massage therapist, mother and wife.

Listen to what might resonate with YOU in Tanya’s story!