What IS Bowen therapy and how is it different from massage therapy?

This is a question Chris Reed comes across A LOT in his work. A specialised Bowen therapist for over 15 years, Chris has been spreading the word about the different treatment style and benefits Bowen therapy has to offer.

Bowen therapy for many years had a low profile in the MASSIVE world of body therapies, but Chris is determined to change that and runs a Bowen therapy clinic in Geelong, the original hometown of the therapy’s founder, Thomas Bowen.

Chris’s story began with what he describes as his ‘early midlife crisis’ at 35 years of age when he decided he wanted to be in an industry that was dedicated to the health and wellbeing of others.

When his wife insisted there could only be ONE nurse in the family, Chris took the opportunity to shadow a Bowen therapist for a few days and he was BLOWN AWAY at the versatility of the therapy in treating such a HUGE range of people with different ailments and illnesses.

Listen to Chris’s journey from travelling chef in his mid-30s to the successful Bowen therapist and advocate we’re speaking with today.