Regular clients are a HUGE part of what makes massage therapy businesses successful.

Building a great professional relationship with clients means we REALLY get to know them and their body’s needs so we can have the best possible impact on their lives.  

Not everyone will need or want ongoing treatment, but the ones that DO need someone they can trust with their wellbeing and feel comfortable with.

This is where we come in!

In an AMAZING partnership James and Elicia Crook have spent nearly 20 years together in the industry.
Starting out in their lounge room and stumbling through conversations with clients on an giant old-school phone, Elicia started to develop the confidence in her own skills and REALLY learning what her regular clients needed.

Drawing on her own personal experiences and the last 20 years in the massage therapy industry, Elicia and James take you through the WHY, WHAT and HOW TO of moving from initial appointment phase to regular re-bookings to make your business FLOURISH!