How do we communicate with our customers when they're not in our restaurant? Email has been the staple for decades but in a world where everyone is using their smartphone for everything, shouldn't we explore our other options?

Today we chat with Mike Yan, founder of Manychat, a chatbot platform that gives us the ability to effortlessly connect with our guest via text, instagram, facebook and much more. Together we unpack the different ways this new tech enables us to engage and delight our guests.


[2:10] Leapfrogging email: the origin story of ManyChat

[5:30] Success with Facebook Messenger

[7:24] The merits of chat marketing: a world of effortless possibility on autopilot

[15:20] How to get an 80% open rate on your marketing efforts

[19:24] How to run a contest to drive engagement through the roof

[22:32] Data collection might be the new CRM

[25:05] It's simple: get on board early or wait until you've lost the race.

That's Mike Yan. For more on Manychat go to

FULL COMP is brought to you by Yelp for Restaurants: In July 2020, a few hundred employees formed Yelp for Restaurants. Our goal is to build tools that help restaurateurs do more with limited time.


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