You are your restaurant and no one is ever going to know it or be able to run it better than you. But is that a good thing?

Today we chat with Michele Hecken, an executive coach who specialized in helping you get out of your own way--eliminating you as the bottleneck to growth and empowering your team to fulfill your dreams. Today we begin the process of offboarding ourselves.


[2:22] Offboarding: when delegation isn't enough.

[4:20] Getting fired from you own life: the choice to do something different.

[7:30] The symptoms of success: measuring your effectiveness as a leader.

[10:44] Why work/life balance is bullshit.

[13:11] Why assigning responsibility trumps delegating tasks.

[16:53] The struggle for restaurateurs: translating magic to the rest of the business.

[22:10] Accelerating the decision-making process.

[23:57] If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there.

[28:07] How to offboard yourself: getting clear on what matters.

[31:05] Don't be held by the shackles.

To get started with a FREE 25-Minute Coaching Session with Michèle, visit

FULL COMP is brought to you by Yelp for Restaurants: In July 2020, a few hundred employees formed Yelp for Restaurants. Our goal is to build tools that help restaurateurs do more with limited time.


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