Some are now suggesting as early as June 2 — that’s tomorrow, here on Earth at least — the Pentagon and Defense Department could release the dirty details on UFOs “swarming” US Navy warships and perhaps other military assets over the past number of years or decades.

Ahead of the expected document release from the Pentagon, some Navy videos and information have come out, purporting to show craft with capabilities beyond that of any human military’s air or sea fleet.

Some have suggested the forthcoming documents and information could lend more light to 1967’s bizarre crash off the coast of a small Nova Scotia fishing town. Dubbed the Shag Harbour 1967 UFO incident, fittingly enough, this event has been compared to the Roswell, New Mexico events of nearly precisely two decades prior, in summer of 1947.

What brought all this about, anyway? Good question, random FULCRUM reader out there. Congress, in part of its most recent multi-trillion dollar round of coronavirus related aid, mandated in the already (as usual) bloated and filled with other weird stuff omnibus bill that the Pentagon and DoD report back to Congress within 6 months, or 180 days… and now here we are, just barely enjoying a few days of semi-normalcy as the pandemic death numbers have dipped below 200 souls per day and now everyone’s minds are going to break as the Pentagon possibly trots out mind-blowing UFO evidence for public scrutiny, for the first time ever.

Or, the documents could be a large nothing-burger; more grainy images, more hearsay from retired pilots who have books out and stuff, but nothing definitive, no clear home-runs for the truth community or the UFO fans within it.

We’ll know soon enough, but either way, take heart and return to (our homepage) often — because this Pentagon UFO report isn’t the only weird conspiracy topic hanging over everyone’s heads unexpectedly in June.

Ghislaine Maxwell… remember her? Friend and alleged accomplice to now deceased billionaire Jeffrey Epstein… infamous Epstein, with the Island — well her lawyers’ every attempt to worm her out of her position seem to have failed, she has spent about the last 6 months withering away in a short-term jail in Manhattan, and her trial is expected to start later this month.

Given the number of celebrity friends and contacts Epstein had, Maxwell’s forthcoming trial on some fairly heinous charges should be enough to keep the truth community busy this summer, even if the Pentagon UFO report turns out to be a dud.

But here’s to hoping it’s a blockbuster!

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