Happy Memorial Day to those of you here in the United States. Chatter is picking up online about the forthcoming declassified Pentagon UFO report or disclosure documents, which are due out by June 25th, 2021, but which many pundits and fringe podcasters seem to think could come much sooner — as soon as tomorrow or this Friday.

A New York Magazine article published earlier this holiday weekend on their site provides some helpful insight into both what triggered this sudden avalanche of UFO disclosure interest, and what the public may earnestly hope to find in the released documents.

As the New York piece helpfully outlines, “packed into the $2.3 billion omnibus spending and coronavirus-relief package passed by Congress in December was a stipulation requiring the Department of Defense and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to deliver an unclassified report on unidentified flying objects to Congress within six months, compiling what the government knows about about UFOs rocketing around over American airspace.”

Already, the public has gotten some early tastes or previews of what may lay ahead, in the form of various leaked US Navy encounter videos and reports of encounters with multiple craft — some of which “swarmed” US Navy warships as recently as 2019, off the coast of California.

And, in fact, New York seems to think the report could feature details of the various UFO sightings by credible Navy pilots and other Navy personnel — a more in-depth look at some of what has already leaked to the public in recent days, maybe.

“Further details on the report’s contents are scant,” the magazine offers ominously.

I guess either way, we’ll know within a matter of days. Bookmark FULCRUM, check back often throughout the week — we will post any major developments on this bizarre-o alien narrative as we get them from the DC / Beltway area! And if you want more details on what has been speculated about already in regard to the forthcoming Pentagon UFO report, listen to our most recent podcast episodes, no login required: fulcrumnews.com/podcast

Continue Reading: Pentagon UFO Rumors Getting Weirder Ahead of Document Release - Disclosure Updates 5.30.2021