Trump walks away — watch the clip for yourself below. Was he justified in ditching the quarrelsome press today?

Going viral this Monday evening, FULCRUM nation— and we think you need to watch the clip, which we’ve embedded below, to reach your own conclusion. The clip below is from Trump’s attorney, and a legal adviser to Team Trump. She tweeted the clip out less than one hour ago it appears, and already it’s causing quite the debate online:

GOOD for @realDonaldTrump for just walking away from the childish journalists’ sandbox.

— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) May 11, 2020

What do YOU think? Was the President justified in ending the press conference prematurely and walking away from the quarrelsome press pool, or should he have shown greater restraint and/or patience? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, or over on our Twitter and Facebook pages.

Speaking of Facebook, we are expecting to break 10,000 Likes on our Page over there later this week!! Thank you all and be sure to follow us there if you don’t yet! Big news week ahead.

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