The rabbit hole deepens, just days ahead of the expected release or disclosure of decades’ old information on the UFO phenomenon — expected out from the US Pentagon by a June 2021 deadline, or within about four days from now.

What’s the first thing we all hear about the city of Atlantis, from a young age onward? That it’s lost, right? The Lost City of Atlantis.

The NTI or ‘non-terrestrial intelligence’ in 1989’s fictional The Abyss may be closer to science fact than science fiction.

If you were an advanced water race that didn’t want boring, sometimes aggressive land humans poking around in your technologically advanced water kingdom, first step would be to spread the meme that your civilization once existed but was destroyed long, long ago.

People don’t go looking for “Lost” things with as much zeal as things that are not lost, but merely forgotten, hidden away.

About 71 percent of Earth is covered by water, and there are water worlds within our own solar system including Jupiter’s “ocean moon,” Europa.

US Navy nuclear submarines, according to one report, have tracked the high speed objects going to and from a deep underwater base, and the base isn’t something made by human technology.

That’s really all we know, for certain, at the moment. But think of it: if the ‘elite’ — the central banks and militaries of the world, the media, etc. — if they have hidden the existence of another sapient species on the same planet as us, one that is actually more advanced technologically, it will break minds more than the pandemic did.

DC area journalist Tom Rogan of the Washington Examiner recently gave an interview on the subject to FOX, here’s part of the transcript from that unusual exchange:

"I have heard from very good sources and that the US Navy has the data.

I think what we may well be looking at a true unknown.

Relevant to this video, an area we will learn more about is the interaction between US Navy submarines, nuclear ballistic submarines and attack submarines, picking up sonar contact of things moving at hundreds of knots under the water.

Which is to say, intelligently controlled machinery that is not understood to be in the possession of the United States, China or Russia, which are the most three most advanced countries in terms of military aviation. Researching this, there isn't anything that we have, top secret information about what China or Russia have or what we have at Area 51, that can do what these things do in terms of the variable performance."

And if this is the big secret — not aliens, per se, but a whole hidden second race here on the same planet — so many normies will head for the exits. It’s a betrayal of the populace on an almost unthinkable scale, if the militaries have known about this stuff since at least 1967, when they may have recovered parts of a damaged craft that went down.

Continue reading: US Navy Tracking "Underwater UFOs" or USOs That Travel At Hundreds of Knots