Trump allowed mass censorship of truthers and Epstein covering journalists for the last 3 years. Zero high level arrests. Seasoned deepstate superstars were put in charge of the FBI and DOJ; Trump’s own picks, no one else’s fault or responsibility.

Is the “feud” between Trump and Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler contrived? Distracting the public with non-stop petty feuds while the deepstate is stronger than ever?

And now an economy wrecked by COVID19, which Trump characterized publicly multiple times as a “plague,” sending the labor market and nearly everything else into a tailspin.

He has childishly stoked the flames of resentment between black groups and law enforcement from his incendiary Twitter perch, rather than in a Presidential manner PROMPTLY bringing the country together in a way that preserves our respect for rule of law.

He has stood by as countless truthers and patriots have been deplatformed and de-incomed by Big Tech, in ways that five or ten years ago would have seemed absolutely impossible in America.

And as if to underscore our point perfectly, this morning our Twitter account was suspended without reason. We can’t operate in an environment with this much censorship, search result tilting, and de-monetization. No one can. This country has become a ghost of its former self, our once cherished Constitutional freedoms are pissed on daily, major American cities are rapidly becoming absurd COVID hovels, and the President does nothing - by design.

A once proud people have been reduced to mask wearing silent servants bustling around for a dollar, while all members of the deepstate are completely free, and nothing has been done about nearly everyone who visited Epstein Island, multiple times, with the intent to rape or kill minors. Absolutely beyond unacceptable.

The Google Ads revenue destruction of truther sites and publications including The Federalist in an election year is just icing on the cake.

Can Trump lose to Biden? Not only can he, at the rate he’s going, he almost certainly will.

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