Why do so many Fake Newsers share the same weird interests and the same weird narratives, while tirelessly discrediting Clinton Crime? Truly the NPCs of the modern world. In nearly four years, I’ve changed so much — as have many of my research colleagues.

I think we have grown, or at least evolved, a lot since the election.

FULCRUM’s second news title launches soon, and it’ll blow minds. Due to a generous donation received shortly after Vice News’ weirdo reporter smeared us, we also have the resources to stay in the DC metro area for another year. So grateful — so proud — so not backing down, at all.

Yet these Fake Newsers seem identical to the people they were on election day in 2016.

Tedious and their audiences are fleeing in droves for the new media — platforms like FULCRUM, banned.video, and so many more.

And here’s what the Fake Newsers most want to hide from you, and discredit: https://www.fulcrumnews.com/blog/2019/2/11/pizzagate-is-real-and-john-podesta-needs-to-go-to-prison-for-it

It was real all this time.